My Life in Words

Advice for the Social Media Managers of the Future

Posted by Carla Boyd on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 In : Social Media Career Advice 
Article first published on the BIMM blog

I still remember the feeling; passion and drive mixed with dread and anxiety. Entering into the working world can be daunting, especially if – like me – you know what you want to do but you’re not quite sure how to get there.

After some trial and error (in the form of unpaid internships), I discovered my love for copywriting and social media marketing. So when I graduated from university, I decided to pursue a career in social media – a decision ...

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How to make a good first impression on Social Media

Posted by Carla Boyd on Thursday, July 16, 2015 In : Social Media Career Advice 

Originally posted on Digital Gurus blog and featured on

Have you ever considered that it’s not just your friends looking at your social media profiles? 93% of recruiters use social media to vet candidates and – more importantly – 55% of recruiters have reconsidered a candidate based on their social media profile.

What’s more, research shows that recruiters make a decision about whether you are a good fit for a job within an average of 6.25 seconds of looking at a CV. If they like...
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How to get a job in Social Media

Posted by Carla Boyd on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 In : Social Media Career Advice 

Originally posted on Digital Gurus blog and featured on WeRSM.

While it took some time for Social Media to become a career that’s taken seriously by businesses, it is now well and truly established. In fact, the social media job market is fast becoming very competitive. From Community Managers and Bloggers, to Social Media Managers, Strategists and Social Analysts, the amount ofsocial media roles is on the rise but so is the number of candidates.

So how do you make yourself stand out from the...
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Why you should have a Portfolio if you work in Social Media

Posted by Carla Boyd on Monday, June 29, 2015 In : Social Media Career Advice 

Originally posted on Digital Gurus blog and featured on WeRSM.

Having a portfolio has become norm in the creative industry, however it’s not just designers and photographers who can benefit from having one. Recently, we were asked whether Social Media professionals should have a portfolio. Our answer? Yes!

What is a social media portfolio?

When thinking “portfolio”, most people think of visual work. However, a portfolio is simply “a set of pieces of creative work intended to demonstrate ...
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Where has the year gone?

Posted by Carla Boyd on Monday, June 29, 2015
So it's almost July. Half the year is over. An absolutely crazy fact that stuns me! 

I've been very busy at work and even more so in my private life but I hate the fact that I've not been posting to my blog. That's why I decided to share the blogs I've written in a professional capacity. They're also posted on my LinkedIn

The upcoming blogs were written on behalf of my company (Digital Gurus) as guest blogs that were featured on a website called WeRSM. Hope you find them useful! :) 
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Mr & Mrs Boyd - [Day 21]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Sunday, November 2, 2014 In : 100 Happy Days 
Day 21 of my #100HappyDays challenge was a very special day indeed. My baby brother got married to the woman he loves, the mother of his children, and the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. 

I'm not really a wedding person as I'm not sure I believe in the concept of marriage, but even the cynic I am, I couldn't help but tearing a little up during the ceremony because you could feel the love and happiness inside the room as my brother and my now sister-in-law said "I do" in fro...
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Leaving on a jetplane - [Day 20]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 In : 100 Happy Days 
I know, I know. It's been ages. But I SHALL be catching up. Starting from where I've left off, Day 20 of my #100HappyDays challenge. 

There were many things I was happy about that day. Here are but a few: 
  1. Getting a lift to the airport by my sister made the journey infinitely less stressful/more enjoyable.
  2. Flying from a tiny airport (Southend) meant everything was super quick, relaxed, and without queues!
  3. We landed in FMO (Flughafen Münster Osnabrück) which meant no lengthy train journeys to ge...

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(Wo)Man vs Machine - [Day 19]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Thursday, October 9, 2014 In : 100 Happy Days 
Since I've got time right now, I might as well catch up on day 19 of my #100HappyDays challenge. I'm on my way to the airport for my brother's wedding tomorrow and may as well use this time productively. 

Yesterday was a very busy day as I tried to do 3 days work in 1. One of the many things I had to do yesterday was check in online and print my boarding pass. Unfortunately I didn't have my passport so couldn't do so at work. Luckily, I had this:

Huge thank you to Joe and Marta for giving me th...
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Girls just wanna have fun - [Day 18]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Thursday, October 9, 2014 In : 100 Happy Days 
I've been having a busy week and it's only going to get busier so this week's post will be late. I'll try and stay on top of things though and will post as and when I have time.

So let's catch up on day 18 of my #100HappyDays challenge. It was a Tuesday, which is really all you need to know about work. After I went to see my friend Emma. 

We had a lovely evening, catching up and eating home made vegetarian curry. Thanks for a great time, lovely Emma. I love you lots and I'll see you when I'm b...
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Sunrise, looks like mornin' in your eyes - [Day 17]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 In : 100 Happy Days 
So yesterday was day 17 of my #100HappyDays challenge. It was a long and rather exhausting day. 

Still, the point of this challenge is to find one good thing about every day. Yesterday, I woke up to this view: 

Still, I reckon it's time for those clocks to change... 

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About Me

Carla Boyd Welcome to my random collection of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and advice.


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