My Life in Words

Browsing Archive: June, 2014

It's a very difficult era in which to be a person

Posted by Carla Boyd on Tuesday, June 10, 2014, In : Movies 

I read a book recently called Gone Girl. Actually found out after I finished reading it that they're making it into a movie and I'm quite excited to watch it. It's a book about a man whose wife goes missing and he gets suspected of murdering her. The book comes in three parts, explaining different phases of before, during, and after. I won't go into more details because I feel that would ruin it and I'm pleased to see that the trailer avoids any spoilers as well. I find nothing worse than a m...

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We get along for the most part, me and reality

Posted by Carla Boyd on Sunday, June 1, 2014, In : Music-related blogs 
We get along for the most part
Me and reality, the light and the dark
We live alone, two different worlds
Me in a fantasy, you in your memories
But we get along

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've last written on here. Last year, there was a time where I had nothing much to say. There was a lot of job hunting, interviews, call backs, and disappointment when things didn't work out.

Finally, in September last year, after the latest very promising second interview for a job I ultimately...

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Carla Boyd Welcome to my random collection of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and advice.


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