My Life in Words

You poked my heart... - [Day 6]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Thursday, September 25, 2014 Under: 100 Happy Days
I am even more tired than I was yesterday so this one will be short and sweet. Literally!

We are on day 6 of #100HappyDays! My day was fairly mediocre and I was unsure what to blog about until I came across an article on BuzzFeed about the below video... 

WARNING: The cuteness is strong with this one. A lot of "awwwww"'s will be exclaimed during the watching of this video.

I love children. You learn a lot about humans by watching children interact. What I love the most about this whole scenario is the little peacemaker in between the two. ^_^ Plus, child logic: “No, you’re pretty and you’re not real. I’m real.” 

Remember that, kids! 

Here is the original BuzzFeed article

In : 100 Happy Days 

Tags: buzzfeed  "you poked my heart"  children  love  cute  aww 
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Carla Boyd Welcome to my random collection of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and advice.


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