My Life in Words

Showing Tag: " happy" (Show all posts)

It's not who you are underneath... - [Day 11]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Tuesday, September 30, 2014, In : 100 Happy Days 
It's what you do that defines you. - Batman Begins

So today was day 11 of #100HappyDays and it was another Tuesday. Now we already established I'm not particularly fond of Tuesdays and to be honest, it wasn't the most exciting day. But the highlight of my day was a short trip to Starbucks. 

Now for those of you unfamiliar with how Starbucks works, this is what happens: You order your coffee and pay for it, you give them your name, they put your name on the cup and pass it on to a barista, you s...

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As we grow up, we realise... - [Day 8]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Sunday, September 28, 2014, In : 100 Happy Days 
... It is less important to have lots of friends, and more important to have real ones. 

So I'm late with this as I was out late but I shall simply do tomorrow now and today this evening.

On day 8 of my #100HappyDays challenge, realising what I was happy about was easy: My friends! Over the years, I have managed to sneak into and become an official part of a group of friends who have known each other for years and years. They are the funniest, weirdest, craziest, kindest, loveliest, bestest of...
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Mama Mia: Yorkshire kid telling his Mother he's arrived - [Day 3]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Monday, September 22, 2014, In : 100 Happy Days 
So it was my first day at work during this #100HappyDays challenge and it's definitely a bit more difficult to be happy when you're stuck at work all day... 

Fortunately, what happens when you have to concentrate on what makes you happy is that you realise what you've really got. Every day, work is made much happier if you have great colleagues and while there are many people at my office that I like, there are two special weirdos that I've befriended recently. They have become outside-of-work...
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There's no one in the world like Emily - [Day 2]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Sunday, September 21, 2014, In : 100 Happy Days 
So it's day 2 of my #100HappyDays challenge and I've had a pretty good day. It's funny - when you know you have to write about something you were happy about, you start realising all the little things that make you happy. 

Still, there was one clear highlight today and that was when my little niece recognised me on webcam during a Skype talk with my brother and said "Hallo Carla". 

When Emily was first born, I was adamant that I wanted to be an important part of her life. Unfortunately time mov...
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We get along for the most part, me and reality

Posted by Carla Boyd on Sunday, June 1, 2014, In : Music-related blogs 
We get along for the most part
Me and reality, the light and the dark
We live alone, two different worlds
Me in a fantasy, you in your memories
But we get along

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've last written on here. Last year, there was a time where I had nothing much to say. There was a lot of job hunting, interviews, call backs, and disappointment when things didn't work out.

Finally, in September last year, after the latest very promising second interview for a job I ultimately...

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Carla Boyd Welcome to my random collection of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and advice.


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