My Life in Words

Every inch of me will perish. Every inch but one.

Posted by Carla Boyd on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 In : Movies 

Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have. It is the very last inch of us, but within that inch, we are free. - V for Vendetta

 As it turns out, already the last in the series! I do hope that those who actually got around to read these blogs maybe got some ideas for films they haven't seen, or maybe just remembered some films they haven't seen in a while. I love movies. They give me hope, strength, happiness, inspiration, ideas,... I like the films that are thought provok...
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The end is only the beginning

Posted by Carla Boyd on Monday, October 22, 2012 In : Movies 
It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - The Butterfly Effect
 So I realised as I was getting the blogs out for today, that I didn't make a list of 100 but a list of 50 movies! Yes, I know, I'm a genius. XD This means, we're already nearing the end. Here is n to t (which more t's to follow). 

As always, comment away! =) 


31. Now and Then – Another childhood favourite. While it’s very much a fil...

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Let us try to open our minds to a new idea.

Posted by Carla Boyd on Sunday, October 21, 2012 In : Movies 
Not all who wander are aimless. Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image - Mona Lisa Smile
While finding the pictures for today's list of 10 - namely i to n (although the next one starts with the last of the 'n's) - I realised that there are 3 Julia Roberts movies on the list. And people wonder why she's one of my favourite actresses. ^_^  

Anyway, as always comment, share views, add to the list, etc. =) 


21. Interview with the Vampire – The ...

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Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders

Posted by Carla Boyd on Saturday, October 20, 2012 In : Movies 
Have you ever confused a dream with life? Or stolen something when you have the cash? Have you ever been blue? Or thought your train moving while sitting still? Maybe I was just crazy. Maybe it was the 60's. Or maybe I was just a girl... interrupted. - Girl, Interupted

Right, it's past midnight, I'm still up, so I figured I may as well post the next 10 films! Here's D to H on my list of top 100 movies of all time! Oh, and the quote in this blog's title is from Nietzsche. Not having anyone get ...
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The movies that are to blame for all the lies

Posted by Carla Boyd on Thursday, October 18, 2012 In : Movies 
It’s these cards, and the movies and the pop songs, they’re to blame for all the lies and the heartache, everything. (...) People should be able to say how they feel, how they really feel, not, you know, some words that some stranger put in their mouth. Words like love, that don’t mean anything. - (500) Days of Summer

Well, I've been abandoning my blog for a while but I finally had an idea that will keep this site busy... at least for the next week and a half! I'm going to share with you...
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Just like the sun that chases the rain away...

Posted by Carla Boyd on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 In : Music-related blogs 
As I begin, let me say that I'm afraid. Seems to me that all these things could go either way.
I suppose I could fold up into my self, quite safe, and wait for these pieces to fall into place.
But not today.
The most recent realisation that I'm about to join the "grown-up" world now that I'm officially done being a student has made me rather nostalgic lately. And while I've been looking back at the last 23 years, it struck me just how lucky I have been.

I've had the chance to travel to many diff...
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Things have been so crazy and hectic...

Posted by Carla Boyd on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 In : Music-related blogs 
Things have been so crazy and hectic. I shoulda gotten back by now. But you know how much I wanted to make it. It's probably better anyhow. 

It's been a while since my last entry but I've been all over the place - and the world! Two months in America, visiting the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame, Rockapalooza Festival, Niagara Falls, and New York City kept me busy enough, and then I got back to London on a Wednesday morning and started an internship at the BBC on the Monday straight after! 

So five fu...
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Waiting for my real life to begin...

Posted by Carla Boyd on Sunday, May 13, 2012 In : Music-related blogs 
Don't you understand? I already have a plan. I'm waiting for my real life to begin...

 So it's been a while since I wrote my last blog but I've been busy, busy, busy. 

I finished all of my coursework and handed in my final dissertation (downloadable here) and now I'm (semi-)officially done being a student. I won't know my results for sure but it looks as though I will definitely get at least a 2.1 degree and if my dissertation result is reeeally good, I even might have a shot at getting a low 1...

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Posted by Carla Boyd on Sunday, March 11, 2012 In : Music-related blogs 
You see a mouse trap – I see free cheese and a fucking challenge!

For the past year, multiple different people have advised me that if I want to work within the field of New/Social Media, I should keep a blog. So here it is - my blog! 

The topics of my blog aren't quite decided yet. I did however decide that if I am going to put out words to the world, I might as well talk about things I care about. So today's blog is named after a line from one of my favourite songs, by one of my all time fa...

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About Me

Carla Boyd Welcome to my random collection of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and advice.


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