My Life in Words

Just gotta be strong - [Day 12]

Posted by Carla Boyd on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Under: 100 Happy Days
It's Day 12 of my #100HappyDays challenge and it wasn't a great day. I am not going to go into detail as to why and it doesn't really matter. But what this challenge does is that it makes you try and find something happy to talk about so I'm having a go.

Today I discovered Will Heard. I really love his voice!! There's a song I've been hearing at work over and over again for weeks but it wasn't until today that I looked him up. There's nothing quite like a great voice and an acoustic guitar. ^_^ 

♥ Enjoy! 

In : 100 Happy Days 

Tags: 100happydays  will heard  music  singing  acoustic  guitar 
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Carla Boyd Welcome to my random collection of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and advice.


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