So it was my first day at work during this #100HappyDays challenge and it's definitely a bit more difficult to be happy when you're stuck at work all day...
Fortunately, what happens when you have to concentrate on what makes you happy is that you realise what you've really got. Every day, work is made much happier if you have great colleagues and while there are many people at my office that I like, there are two special weirdos that I've befriended recently. They have become outside-of-work friends and on this dreary Monday, I am happy and grateful that they are both in my life.

To Kirsty and Owen - Thanks for making work infinitely less boring! If it wasn't for you two putting up with my rants, my terrible jokes, and my undeniable weirdness, 5 out of 7 days a week would be much less happier. I love you both!
♥Here's to you, in honour of Friday night dinners, cheap wine, drunken snapchats, cheesy music, and a terrible joke: